Wikimedia España/Borrador de estatutos/en

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Founding Charter

Founding charter of Wikimedia España

Once gathered at ...................., on .... .. 2010, at .......... hours, the following people (at least, three or more physical or legal entities). [Art. 6 LO 1/2002]):

(Name, I.D, Street/Location)

  • 1.-
  • 2.-
  • 3.-


Resolve to:

1º Create a non-profit organization regulated by Organic Law 1/2002, March 22nd on association law, called Wikimedia España.

2º Approve the Bylaws, read and approved unanimously by all present at this meeting.

3º Designate a Board of Trustees, formed by:


  • Chair:
  • Vice-chair:
  • Secretary:


If needed:

  • Treasurer:
  • Board members:

And without further issues, the meeting is adjourned at ........... hours of .... (date)

(Signatures of the aforementioned, including at the bottom of each signature the name, surname and ID)



Título I. Principios generales

Title I. General principles

Artículo 1. Denominación y capacidad jurídica

Con la denominación de Wikimedia España, se constituye una asociación sin ánimo de lucro al amparo de la Ley Orgánica 1/2002, de 22 de marzo, reguladora del Derecho de Asociación, y normas complementarias. La Asociación tendrá plena capacidad jurídica y de obrar, y se regirá por los presentes Estatutos y por las normativas internas aprobadas por los socios; y en lo no previsto en dichos textos, por la citada Ley o las que la sustituyan, la Constitución Española y el resto de disposiciones legales que sean de aplicación en cada caso.

Article I. Name and legal capacity

The name of this Association is Wikimedia España [Wikimedia Spain]; it is designated a non-profit Association created under the laws of the Ley Orgánica 1/2002, of March 22nd, the Spanish Constitution, and related laws. The Association shall have full legal capacity to act, and shall be governed by these Bylaws and the internal policies approved by the membership; and in matters not covered by these articles, by the above Law or laws that replace it, the Spanish Constitution and other laws that apply in each case.

Artículo 2. Duración

La Asociación se constituye por tiempo indefinido.

Article 2. Duration

The Association is established for an indefinite period of time.

Artículo 3. Finalidad

La finalidad de la Asociación será promover directa o indirectamente la difusión, mejora y sustento de todas las iniciativas que apoyen el libre acceso, uso, estudio, modificación y redistribución de contenido, tales como los proyectos hospedados y apoyados por la Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

Article 3. Purpose

The purpose of the Association will be to promote, directly or indirectly, the distribution, improvement and support of all inititives that support free access, use, study, modification and redistribution of content, like the projects hosted and supported by the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.

Artículo 4. Actividades

Para cumplir su finalidad, la Asociación realizará las siguientes actividades:

  1. Organizar encuentros, congresos, conferencias, talleres, cursos o cualquier otro tipo de actividad pública destinada a difundir las iniciativas y proyectos objeto de su finalidad (en adelante, "las iniciativas").
  2. Establecer relaciones, colaboraciones y acuerdos con cualquier tipo de entidades públicas o privadas, nacionales o internacionales, para mejorar el conocimiento, aprovechamiento y uso de todas las iniciativas, desarrollar sistemas que los difundan y promocionen, o recibir recursos económicos, humanos o de contenidos.
  3. Informar de forma adecuada a través de cualquier medio de comunicación a su alcance, por iniciativa propia o cuando se le solicite, sobre su propio funcionamiento y sobre asuntos relacionados con las iniciativas.
  4. Cualquier otro tipo de actividad que sus órganos consideren adecuada para el cumplimiento de la finalidad de la Asociación.

Article 4. Activities

To achieve its purpose, the Association will undertake the following activities:

  1. To organize meetings, conferences, workshops, classes, events or any other kind of public activity for the promotion of the initiatives and projects that are the object of the purpose of the association (from now on, "the initiatives")
  2. To establish relationships, collaborations and formal agreements with all kind of public or private institutions, national or international, for improving the knowledge, benefit and use of all initiatives, to develop systems that distribute and promote them, or to receive monetary, human and/or content resources.
  3. To inform in a proper way via any media at its disposal, by own initiative or when it is requested, about its own operation and about issues related to the initiatives.
  4. Any other kind of activity that its bodies consider adequate in order to fullfill the purpose of the Association.

Artículo 5. Domicilio y ámbito

La Asociación establece su domicilio social en Valladolid y su ámbito territorial será el del Estado español.

Article 5. Address and scope

The registered office of the Association is in Valladolid, and the territory in which the operations of the Association are principally to be conducted is Spain.

Artículo 6. Órganos

La dirección, administración y representación de la Asociación serán ejercidas por el Presidente, la Junta Directiva y la Asamblea General. La Junta Directiva y la Asamblea General garantizarán el funcionamiento democrático de la Asociación y serán los órganos competentes para interpretar los preceptos contenidos en estos Estatutos, cubrir sus omisiones y velar por su cumplimiento, así como para desarrollarlos y complementarlos con las normativas internas que se consideren necesarias.

En normativa interna podrá regularse la existencia y funcionamiento de una estructura de acción local de la Asociación con autonomía operativa y atendida por una o más vocalías de la Junta Directiva que la representen, con la posibilidad de contar con órganos de coordinación propios.

La Asociación cumplirá con las obligaciones documentales y contables previstas por la Ley de Asociaciones, que serán asumidas por los miembros de la Junta Directiva según se especifique en estos Estatutos o, en su defecto, según se determine por la Junta Directiva.

Article 6. Bodies

The management, administration and representation of the Association shall be exercised by the Chair, the Board and the General Assembly. The Board and the General Assembly will ensure the democratic functioning of the Association and will be the relevant bodies to interpret the regulatory provisions contained in these Bylaws, to cover its omissions and ensure compliance with the Bylaws, as well as ensuring their development and complementation with the internal policies which are deemed necessary.

In the internal policies, the existence and operation of a local action structure of the Association, with operational autonomy and represented by one or more Members of the Board, may be regulated, with the possibility of having its own coordinating bodies.

The Association will fulfill the documentation and accounting obligations required by the Law of Associations, which will be undertaken by the members of the Board as specified in these Bylaws or, if otherwise, as determined by the Board.

Título II. Asamblea General

Title II. General Assembly

Artículo 7. Reuniones

La Asamblea General, integrada por todos los socios, es el órgano supremo de gobierno de la Asociación y se reunirá en convocatoria ordinaria una vez al año, así como en convocatoria extraordinaria cuando lo exija la Ley, lo decida la Junta Directiva o lo soliciten al Secretario una quinta parte de los socios de número, indicando el tema o temas a tratar.

Article 7. Meetings

The General Assembly, made up of all members, is the supreme government body of the Association and shall meet in ordinary call meeting once a year, and in extraordinary call when required by the Law, by decision of the Board or at a request made to the Secretary by one fifth of the numerary members, indicating the topic or topics to be discussed.

Artículo 8. Convocatoria

Las convocatorias de las Asambleas Generales las realizará el Presidente, con una antelación mínima de quince días naturales, debiendo indicar claramente el lugar de la reunión, el orden del día a tratar y la fecha y hora de comienzo tanto de la primera como de la segunda convocatoria, que será quince minutos posterior a la primera.

Article 8. Meeting call

The call for General Assemblies shall be made by the Chair, at least fifteen calendar days before the date of the meeting, clearly stating the agenda (description of the topics to be discussed), the place, as well as date and time of the Assembly in "first call" and in "second call", which shall be fifteen minutes later.

Artículo 9. Constitución y acuerdos

Las Asambleas Generales Ordinarias o Extraordinarias quedarán válidamente constituidas en primera convocatoria cuando estén presentes o representados la mitad más uno de los socios con derecho a voto, y en segunda convocatoria cualquiera que sea el número de socios con derecho a voto presentes o representados.

Los acuerdos se tomarán por mayoría simple de los socios presentes o representados, excepto las decisiones señaladas en los números 7 al 12 del artículo 10, que requieren una mayoría absoluta de socios presentes o representados. En caso de empate, el voto del Presidente será de calidad. Además de presencialmente, los socios podrán optar por votar por correo, por delegación en otro socio, o por cualquier otro medio que pudiera arbitrarse y fuese aprobado por la Asamblea General, siendo necesario en todos los casos acreditar con absoluta seguridad la identidad del socio votante.

Article 9. Quorum of General Assemblies and Approval of Resolutions

The General Assembly, either Ordinary or Extraordinary, shall be considered validly gathered at "first call" if at least "half plus one" of the members of the Association with right to vote are in attendance; and at "second call", regardless of the number of members with right to vote present or represented.

The resolutions shall be approved by simple majority of the members present or represented, except the decisions indicated in points 7 to 12 of article 10, which require an absolute majority of members present or represented.[1]. In the event of a tie in the voting, the Chair shall have the casting vote. Members may vote in person, by mail, by delegation in another member or by any other way that can be arbitred and is approved by the General Assembly, being it necessary in all cases to attach the means by which that person may be identified with complete certainty.

Artículo 10. Competencias

Serán competencias exclusivas de la Asamblea General:

  1. Revisar y aprobar, en su caso, el informe y proyecto de actividades y el balance y presupuesto económico anuales.
  2. Modificar las cuotas ordinarias y aprobar las extraordinarias.
  3. Elegir, valorar y cesar individual o colectivamente, en su caso, a los miembros de la Junta Directiva.
  4. Aprobar y modificar las normativas internas.
  5. Ratificar o anular las expulsiones de los socios.
  6. Acordar la remuneración, en su caso, de los miembros de la Junta Directiva.
  7. Modificar el domicilio social.
  8. Designar socios de honor.
  9. Disolver la Asociación.
  10. Modificar los Estatutos.
  11. Disponer o enajenar bienes por un valor superior al 20% del presupuesto en vigor.
  12. Decidir sobre la integración en una Federación de Asociaciones.
  13. Tratar cualquier otra cuestión prevista o propuesta para su debate, según se establezca en la normativa interna.
  14. Otras que pueda indicar la normativa interna como desarrollo de las anteriores.

Article 10. Competences

The General Assembly will have the following exclusive competences:

  1. To examine and approve, as the case may be, the report and the project of activities and the annual balance and budget.
  2. To set the ordinary membership fees and approve extraordinary membership fees.
  3. To choose, assess, and remove from office individually or collectively, as the case may be, the members of the Board.
  4. To approve or reject the internal policies.
  5. To ratify or cancel the expulsion of members.
  6. To decide, as the case may be, the salaries of the Board members.
  7. To change the registered office of the Association.
  8. To appoint honorary members.
  9. To dissolve the Association.
  10. To modify the Bylaws.
  11. To have or transfer goods worth higher than 20% of the budget in force.
  12. To decide over whether to integrate a Federation of Associations.
  13. To deal with any other issue, foreseen or proposed for debate, as stated in the internal policies.
  14. Any other competences that may be indicate in the internal policies as a development of the above.

Artículo 11. Elecciones

Las candidaturas para los cargos de la Junta Directiva deberán ser presentadas comunicándolas al Secretario al menos quince días naturales antes de la Asamblea. Las estructuras locales podrán designar colectivamente candidatos para las vocalías con competencias de acción local.

Las candidaturas deberán presentarse en lista abierta, con un candidato para cada uno de los cargos. De no existir ninguna candidatura con estas características, se prorrogará el mando de la JD saliente durante un período no mayor de dos meses naturales, a fin de que se presenten candidatos individuales. Si no se presentaran candidatos para todos los puestos de la JD, se aplicará lo dispuesto en los presentes Estatutos para el caso de falta de uno de los miembros de la JD y se convocará una Asamblea General Extraordinaria en el plazo no mayor de dos meses naturales para una nueva elección

Article 11. Elections

The candidacies for a post in the Board must be presented to the Secretary at least fifteen natural days before the Assembly. Local structures will be able to designate collectively candidates for the Board seats with local attributions.

Candidacies shall be presented in an open list, with a candidate for each post. In the case that no such candidacy is presented, the mandate of the outgoing Board shall be prorrogated for a period of time that will not exceed two natural months, so individual members may present their candidacy. Should there not be enough candidates for all the posts of the Board, individual posts shall be filled temporarily as stipulated in these bylaws when vacancies occur, and an Extraordinary General Assembly shall be called in a period not exceeding two natural months in order to have new elections.

Título III. Junta Directiva

Title III. Board

Artículo 12. Composición

La Junta Directiva es el órgano de gestión y representación de la Asociación por delegación de la Asamblea General, y estará formada por un Presidente, un Vicepresidente, un Secretario, un Tesorero y un número de vocales no inferior a tres, todos ellos socios de número, mayores de edad y al corriente en el pago de las cuotas. Estos cargos no serán acumulables en una misma persona y su mandato durará hasta la celebración de la tercera Asamblea General Ordinaria siguiente a aquella en la que fueron elegidos, aunque podrán ser reelegidos un número indefinido de veces.

Las vacantes en cualquiera de los cargos de la Junta Directiva que se pudieran producir durante el mandato de ésta serán cubiertas provisionalmente por los miembros de la misma, o por una persona designada interinamente por la Junta Directiva que deberá ser confirmada en su puesto por la siguiente Asamblea General.

Article 12. Composition

This Association shall be managed and represented by a Board composed of a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer and at least three other members, all of them numerary members, of legal age and up to date in the payment of their membership fees. These posts cannot be accumulated in one person, and their duration will last until the celebration of the third General Assembly following the one in which they were elected, although they may be reelected indefinitely.

Vacancies in any of the posts of the Board during its term of office will be covered temporarily by its members, or by a person designated internally by the Board that will have to be confirmed in the following General Assembly.

Artículo 13. Cese

Los miembros de la Junta Directiva podrán cesar en su cargo por renuncia voluntaria comunicada a la Junta Directiva, por destitución individual o colectiva acordada por la Asamblea General, o por la expiración de su mandato. Tras su cese, los miembros de la Junta Directiva continuarán ejerciendo sus respectivos cargos hasta que sea aprobado el nombramiento de su sustituto.

Article 13. Cessation of the Board[2]

Members of the Board may leave their posts by voluntary resignation sent to the Board, by individual or collective dismissal granted by the General Assembly, or by the expiration of the term of office. After their cessation, the Board will take charge of their duties until the appointment of a substitute is approved.

Artículo 14. Reuniones

La Junta Directiva se reunirá cuantas veces lo determine su Presidente, o a petición de un tercio de sus miembros o de un quinto de los socios. Para que las reuniones de la Junta queden válidamente constituidas, serán necesarios la mitad más uno de sus miembros. Los acuerdos deberán ser aprobados por mayoría simple de votos; en caso de empate, el voto del Presidente será de calidad. Los socios no pertenecientes a la Junta Directiva dispondrán de voz, pero no de voto, en las reuniones en las que participen.

Article 14. Meetings

The Board shall meet whenever the Chair so decides, or at the request of a third of its members, or of a fifth of the members of the Association. The Board meetings shall be duly constituted if the majority of its members are present,[3] and its decisions shall be valid if approved by a majority of votes. In the case of a tie, the Chair shall have the casting vote. Members that are not a part of the Board shall have voice, but no vote, in the meetings in which they participate.

Artículo 15. Competencias

Serán competencias de la Junta Directiva:

  1. Programar, coordinar y ejecutar las actividades de la Asociación.
  2. Dirigir y supervisar la gestión administrativa y económica de la Asociación y aprobar cualquier convenio o documento jurídico.
  3. Convocar la Asamblea General conforme a lo establecido en estos Estatutos.
  4. Interpretar, cumplir y hacer cumplir los Estatutos, normativas internas y acuerdos de la Asamblea General y suyos propios en vigor.
  5. Someter a la aprobación de la Asamblea General el balance y presupuesto anuales, la memoria y el proyecto de actividades, así como otras propuestas que decida presentar.
  6. Sancionar, cuando proceda, a los socios.
  7. Resolver sobre la admisión de nuevos socios, salvo los socios de honor.
  8. Reemplazar de forma interina a cualquier cargo de la propia Junta en caso de dimisión o vacante.
  9. Designar y supervisar a delegados, apoderados o comités para la realización de tareas concretas.
  10. Cualquier otra tarea propia de la finalidad de la Asociación que no sea competencia exclusiva de la Asamblea General.

Article 15. Competences

The Board will have the following competences:

  1. Programming, coordinating and executing activities of the Association.
  2. Directing and supervising the administrative and economic management of the Association and to approve any agreement or legal document.
  3. Calling the General Assembly in accordance with what is established in these Bylaws.
  4. Interpreting, complying and making others comply with these Bylaws, internal policies and agreements of the General Assembly and its own in force.
  5. Subject, to the approval of the General Assembly, the annual balance sheet and budget, the annual report and the project of activities, as well as any other proposals it decides to present.
  6. Penalize members, when it must.
  7. Decide on the admission of new members, except for honorary members.
  8. Replacing internally any post of the Board in the event of resignation or vacancy.
  9. Designating and supervising delegates, proxies or committees for the execution of specific tasks.
  10. Any other task specific to the purpose of the Association that is not the exclusive competence of the General Assembly.

Artículo 16. Presidente

El Presidente tendrá las siguientes atribuciones:

  1. Asumir la representación legal e institucional de la Asociación, y firmar, visar o conocer todos sus documentos oficiales y ordenar los pagos.
  2. Convocar, abrir, dirigir y cerrar las sesiones de la Asamblea General y de la Junta Directiva.
  3. Supervisar todo el trabajo de la Asociación y sus socios, especialmente de la Junta Directiva.
  4. Adoptar cualquier medida urgente que se requiera para la buena marcha de la Asociación o de sus actividades, sin perjuicio de informar de ella posteriormente a la Junta Directiva.
  5. Otras que le sean encomendadas como desarrollo de las anteriores por la Asamblea General o en la normativa interna.

Article 16. Chair

The Chair will have the following powers:

  1. To assume the legal and institutional representation of the Association, and be able to sign, endorse or know all the documents and order payments.
  2. To call, open, chair and close the meetings of the General Assembly and the Board.
  3. To supervise all the work of the Association and its members, especially of the Board.
  4. To take any urgent measure which might be required for the good functioning of the Association or which, in the course of the activities of the Association, is necessary or appropriate, notwithstanding the reporting of such measures to the Board at a later time.
  5. Any other duties that are assigned as a development of the above by the General Assembly or internal policies.

Artículo 17. Vicepresidente

Serán funciones del Vicepresidente:

  1. Sustituir al Presidente o al Tesorero en todas sus funciones en caso de ausencia, vacante o dimisión.
  2. Coejercer la representación de la Asociación junto al Presidente en aquellos casos en los que sea oportuno.
  3. Colaborar con el Presidente en sus labores a fin de instruirse sobre las mismas y facilitar su trabajo.
  4. Otras que le sean encomendadas como desarrollo de las anteriores por la Asamblea General o en la normativa interna.

Article 17. Vice-Chair

The Vice-Chair will have the following duties:

  1. To substitute the Chair or the Treasurer in all their duties in case of absence, vacancy or resignation.
  2. To co-represent the Association with the Chair in the cases where it is appropriate.
  3. To collaborate with the Chair in his/her duties in order to learn about them and facilitate his/her work.
  4. Any other duties that are assigned as a development of the above by the General Assembly or internal policies.

Artículo 18. Secretario

Serán funciones del Secretario:

  1. Elaborar las actas de las reuniones de la Junta Directiva y de la Asamblea General, redactándolas en el Libro de Actas oficial y comunicándolas a los socios.
  2. Dirigir los trabajos administrativos y trámites burocráticos que legalmente le correspondan a la Asociación.
  3. Administrar, mantener actualizados y custodiar los Libros de Actas y los Libros o Ficheros de Registro de Socios, de sanciones y de solicitudes de admisión.
  4. Conservar los originales de los Estatutos, normativas internas y acuerdos en vigor, y comunicar todos ellos a los nuevos socios, así como cualquier cambio en los mismos a todos los socios.
  5. Custodiar y mantener en secreto los datos personales de los socios, garantizando que no sean cedidos ni revelados a terceros ni a otros socios, salvo a otros miembros de la Junta Directiva cuando sea imprescindible una verificación de identidad, o salvo permiso expreso de algún socio con respecto a sus propios datos, y siempre en conformidad con la Ley de protección de datos en vigor.
  6. Expedir certificaciones de los acuerdos adoptados por la Junta Directiva y la Asamblea General, así como de la pertenencia a la Asociación o a su Junta Directiva de cualquiera de sus socios.
  7. Redactar, registrar y custodiar la documentación o correspondencia oficial recibida o emitida por la Asociación.
  8. Otras que le sean encomendadas como desarrollo de las anteriores por la Asamblea General o en la normativa interna.

Article 18. Secretary

The Secretary will have the following duties:

  1. To elaborate the minutes of the meetings of the Board and the General Assembly, writing them in the official acts book and communicating them to the members.[4]
  2. To direct all the administrative tasks and bureaucratic procedures that legally concerns the Association to do.
  3. To manage, keep up to date and watch over the minutes Book and the books or files of the registry of members, of disciplinary measures and admission requests.
  4. Watch over and keep the original Bylaws, internal policies and agreements in force, and to communicate all of them to the new members, as well as any change at them to all members.
  5. Watch over and keep secret the personal information of the members, guaranteeing they will not be handed over nor revealed to third parties or other members, except to other members of the Board when a verification of identity is essential, and always in accordance with the law of data protection in force.
  6. To issue certificates of the resolutions approved by the Board and the General Assembly, as well as the membership condition of any member to the Association or the Board.
  7. To write up, register and watch over official documents or mail received or issued by the Association.
  8. Any other duties that are assigned as a development of the above by the General Assembly or the internal policies.

Artículo 19. Tesorero

Serán funciones del Tesorero:

  1. Llevar la contabilidad de la Asociación reflejando de forma fiel su patrimonio y actividades, y cumpliendo las exigencias legales que sean aplicables.
  2. Abrir, administrar y cerrar las cuentas bancarias de las que pueda disponer la Asociación, y supervisar todos los trámites bancarios que sean precisos.
  3. Administrar los libros contables y el archivo de facturas, y presentar ante los organismos competentes las declaraciones financieras que legalmente correspondan.
  4. Recaudar, custodiar y responder personalmente por los fondos de la Asociación, y efectuar los pagos con cargo a los mismos que sean necesarios.
  5. Otras que le sean encomendadas como desarrollo de las anteriores por la Asamblea General o en la normativa interna.

Article 19. Treasurer

The Treasurer will have the following duties:

  1. To manage the accounting of the Association, showing faithfully its wealth and activities, and fulfilling the legal requirements that apply.
  2. To open, manage and close the bank accounts that the Association has and to supervise all the necessary bank proceedings.
  3. To manage the accounting books and the invoice archive, and to present to the competent institutions the financial declarations demanded by law.
  4. To collect, watch over and personally answer for the funds of the Association and to manage the payments charged to them that are necessary.
  5. Any other duties that are assigned as a development of the above by the General Assembly or the internal policies

Artículo 20. Vocales

Los vocales asumirán las áreas de trabajo que determine la Asamblea General o la Junta Directiva en función del número de vocales existentes y de las necesidades administrativas de la Asociación. También podrán asumir otras competencias que les sean encomendadas por la Asamblea General o en la normativa interna.

Article 20. Members of the Board

The other members of the Board will assume the work areas determined by the General Assembly or the Board depending on the existing number of members of the Board and management requirements of the association. They might also assume other competences assigned by the General Assembly or the internal policies

Artículo 21. Obligaciones

Adicionalmente a las obligaciones que les son inherentes al cargo, todos los cargos de la Junta Directiva deberán:

  1. Buscar o aceptar la colaboración de otros socios ajenos a la Junta Directiva para el desarrollo de las funciones que les corresponden.
  2. Coordinar y supervisar la labor de los socios que les apoyen, con el nivel de exigencia adecuado.
  3. Presentar un balance particular de su gestión para su incorporación a la memoria de actividades, así como cada vez que les sea solicitado por la Junta Directiva, en los plazos y formas que ésta determine.

Article 21. Duties

Additionally to the duties inherent to their position on the Board, all its members must:

  1. Seek or accept the collaboration of other members not on the Board for the development of their duties.
  2. Coordinate and supervise the work of the members that support them, with a suitable level of standards.
  3. Present a particular balance sheet of their management for its inclusion in the annual report of activities, and also at any other time that the Board demands it, in the time and manner that it determines.

Título IV. Socios

Title IV. Membership

Artículo 22. Tipos

Existirán los siguientes tipos de socios:

  1. Socios fundadores, los firmantes del Acta Fundacional. Esta distinción será únicamente honorífica y a todos los efectos prácticos y estatutarios serán considerados socios de número.
  2. Socios de número, aquellos que sean admitidos por la Junta Directiva.
  3. Socios de honor, las personas físicas o jurídicas que sean designados como tales por la Asamblea General, a propuesta de la Junta Directiva, a causa de su prestigio, contribuciones o apoyo a la Asociación o a los fines de la misma.
  4. Socios benefactores, las personas físicas o jurídicas que realicen una aportación económica a la Asociación superior a la cantidad que estipule la Junta Directiva.

Article 22. Types

The following types of members will exist:

  1. Founding members, those who signed the Founding Charter. This distinction will only be honorary, and to all practical and statutory purposes they shall be considered numerary members.
  2. Numerary members, those accepted by the Board.
  3. Honorary members, physical or legal entities designated as such by the General Assembly, after being proposed by the Board, due to their prestige, contributions or support of the Association or its purposes.
  4. Benefactors, physical or legal entities that make an economic contribution to the Association which is greater than the amount stipulated by the Board.

Artículo 23. Altas

Podrán ser socios de número aquellas personas físicas con capacidad de obrar que compartan la finalidad de la Asociación. Los socios que no hayan cumplido la mayoría de edad podrán participar en las Asambleas Generales con voz pero sin derecho al voto, y no podrán pertenecer a la Junta Directiva.

Los requisitos de edad mínima para la admisión de socios con o sin necesidad de autorización de las personas que deban suplir su capacidad, serán en cada momento los que establezca la Ley sobre asociaciones en vigor.

Article 23. Registration

Physical people with the capacity to act who share the purposes of the Association will be able to become numerary members. The members that are not of legal age (18 years old) will be able to participate in the General Assemblies with voice but no vote, and they won't be able to be part of the Board.

The requisites of minimum age for the admission of members, with or without authorization of legal tutors, will always be the same as those established in the Spanish Association law in force.

Artículo 24. Bajas

Los socios causarán baja por alguna de las causas siguientes:

  1. Por decisión voluntaria, comunicada por escrito a la Junta Directiva.
  2. Por impago de cuotas, según se concrete en la normativa interna.
  3. Por ser sancionados con la expulsión, tras haberse seguido el procedimiento sancionador en vigor.

Las posibilidades de reincorporación en cada caso se regularán en normativa interna.

Article 24. Leaving

Membership ceases for any of the following reasons:

  1. By voluntary resignation, communicated in writing to the Board.
  2. By nonpayment of fees, as the internal policies specify.
  3. As a penalization members may be expelled, after the disciplinary proceeding in force has been followed.

The possibility of rejoining the Association in each case will be specified in the internal policies.

Artículo 25. Derechos

Los socios de número tendrán los siguientes derechos:

  1. Disponer de acceso a estos Estatutos, a las normativas internas y a la documentación regulada por la Ley de protección de datos en vigor, en los términos previstos por ésta.
  2. Participar en las actividades de la Asociación con las ventajas propias de su condición de socios.
  3. Identificarse a sí mismos como miembros de la Asociación y disfrutar de todos los beneficios que esta condición les otorgue.
  4. Participar en las Asambleas con voz y voto, tanto de forma personal como delegando esta facultad en otro socio, y con voz en las reuniones de la Junta Directiva.
  5. Formular ruegos, preguntas y sugerencias en las reuniones de la Asamblea General y ante la Junta Directiva, pudiendo recibir una respuesta en los términos que establezca la normativa interna.
  6. Ser electores y elegibles para los cargos de la Junta Directiva, excepto los menores de edad.
  7. Ser informados de la composición de la Junta Directiva, de los acuerdos de la misma y de la Asamblea General, del estado de cuentas y del desarrollo de las actividades.
  8. Promover ante la Junta Directiva la creación de comités de proyectos, o integrarse en los mismos.
  9. Promover ante la Junta Directiva la integración en la estructura de la Asociación de grupos afines a sus objetivos de los que formen parte.
  10. Ser convocados y escuchados en la reunión en la que se trate la posible adopción de sanciones contra ellos.
  11. Impugnar los acuerdos de los órganos de la Asociación que estimen contrarios a la ley o a los Estatutos.
  12. Promover la convocatoria de una Asamblea General Extraordinaria, según lo especificado en el artículo 7.
  13. Recibir ayudas o aportaciones económicas en compensación por los trabajos realizados para la Asociación, según lo que determine la normativa interna.
  14. Disponer de acceso a las dependencias de la Asociación, si las hubiere, y al material propiedad de la misma.
  15. Darse de baja voluntariamente de la Asociación.

Los socios de honor y benefactores tendrán derecho únicamente a ser convocados y asistir a las Asambleas Generales, con voz pero sin voto.

Article 25. Rights

Numerary members will have the following rights:

  1. To have access to these Bylaws, to the internal policies and documentation in the terms that the Spanish data protection Law in force allows.
  2. To take part in the activities of the Association with the advantages their condition as members confers them.
  3. To self-identify as members of the Association and enjoy all the benefits that this condition confers them.
  4. To participate in the Assemblies with voice and vote, personally or by delegation on another member, and to participate with voice in Board meetings.
  5. To formulate requests, questions and suggestions in the General Assemblies and before the Board, being able to receive an answer in the terms specified by the internal policies.
  6. Be elected and eligible for the posts in the Board, except in the case of members not yet of legal age.
  7. To be informed of the composition of the Board, its agreements and the agreements of the General Assembly, the state of accounts and the development of activities.
  8. To promote before the Board the creation of committees of projects, or to integrate them.
  9. To promote before the Board the integration, in the Association's structure, of groups with akin purposes that they might be a part of.
  10. Be called and heard in the meeting that deals with possible disciplinary measures against them.
  11. To challenge agreements of the bodies of the Association that go against the Law or the Bylaws.
  12. To promote the call of an Extraordinary General Assembly, as specified in Article 7.
  13. To receive economic aid or contributions in compensation for the work done for the Association, as dictated by internal policies.
  14. To have access to the Association premises, should they exist, and to the materials that belong to it.
  15. To be able to cancel the membership and leave the Association.

The honorary members and benefactors will have only the right of being summoned to and attend the General Assemblies, with voice but no vote.

Artículo 26. Obligaciones

Los socios de número tendrán las siguientes obligaciones:

  1. Acatar y cumplir los presentes Estatutos, las normativas internas y los acuerdos válidos y en vigor de la Asamblea General y la Junta Directiva.
  2. Colaborar activamente en la medida de sus posibilidades en la consecución de la finalidad de la Asociación.
  3. Cumplir con las responsabilidades derivadas de sus cargos, sean las que les correspondan como miembros de la Junta Directiva, u otras asumidas por encargo de ésta o voluntariamente.
  4. Abonar las cuotas y derramas en la forma y cuantía especificadas por la Asamblea General.
  5. Mantenerse informado de las actividades y notificaciones de la Asociación a través de los medios de comunicación interna que se determinen.
  6. Respetar, usar y conservar adecuadamente las dependencias y bienes de la Asociación.
  7. Informar de cualquier cambio en sus datos o situación personales que pueda afectar a las comunicaciones internas con él o a su condición de socio.

Los socios de honor y benefactores únicamente tendrán la obligación de acatar los Estatutos, normativas internas y acuerdos válidos de la Asociación.

Article 26. Duties

Numerary members will have the following duties:

  1. To accept and comply with these Bylaws, the internal policies of the Association and the valid agreements in force of the General Assembly and the Board
  2. To collaborate actively, to their best ability, towards the achievement of the purpose of the Association
  3. To comply with the responsibilities derived from their posts, whichever they are as members of the Board, or any other voluntarily undertaken or undertaken by the will of the Board
  4. To pay the membership fees and assessments in the way and amount specified by the General Assembly
  5. To stay informed about the activities and notifications of the Association by the internal communication systems determined
  6. To respect, use and conserve properly the premises and goods of the Association
  7. To inform about any change in ther personal data o personal situation which could affect internal communications with them or their membership condition

Honorary members and benefactors will only have the duty of obeying the Bylaws, internal policies and valid agreements of the Association.

Artículo 27. Sanciones

El incumplimiento por parte de algún socio de lo establecido en estos Estatutos y en particular de sus obligaciones supondrá una sanción para el mismo por parte de la Junta Directiva, siguiendo el procedimiento de incoación, defensa del socio, baremación, debate y resolución que se determine en normativa interna.

Article 27. Disciplinary Measures

The non-compliance by any member of that established in these Bylaws and in particular of their duties, will involve a sanction to the member by the Board, following the procedure of inception, defense of the member, appraise, debate and resolution, determined in the internal policies.

Título VI. Régimen económico

Title VI. Economic Regime

Artículo 28. Recursos económicos

Los recursos económicos de la Asociación serán los siguientes:

  1. Cuotas de socios, periódicas o extraordinarias.
  2. Subvenciones, legados o donaciones que pudieran recibirse conforme a la ley.
  3. Ingresos procedentes de las actividades organizadas por la Asociación.
  4. Intereses financieros y otras rentas de los bienes y derechos que posea la Asociación.
  5. Otros recursos lícitos.

Article 28. Economic Resources

The economic resources of the Association shall be the following:

  1. Membership fees, either regular or extraordinary.
  2. Subventions, inheritances or donations which the Association might legally receive.
  3. Incomes from activities organized by the Association.
  4. Financial interests and other income that come sfrom the goods and rights owned by the Association.
  5. Any other lawful resources.

Artículo 29. Patrimonio y Ejercicios

El patrimonio inicial de la Asociación es de cero (0) euros. El ejercicio asociativo y económico será anual y se cerrará el día treinta y uno (31) de diciembre de cada año.

Article 29. Accounting Period and Initial Capital

The initial wealth of the Association is zero (0) euros. The accounting period of the Association shall be annual and each year will end on December 31.

Artículo 30. Liquidación de bienes

En caso de disolverse la Asociación, la comisión liquidadora que se constituya destinará los bienes sobrantes, tras el pago de las deudas, a otras asociaciones españolas sin ánimo de lucro que persigan fines análogos, o a otros fines que no desvirtúen el carácter no lucrativo de la Asociación.

Article 30. Liquidation proceedings

In the case of the dissolution of the Association, the liquidation Board that is set up will destine the use of the remaining goods, after the payment of the debts, to other Spanish non-profit associations with similar purposes, or others purposes that do not distort the non-profit nature of the Association.

Disposiciones Adicionales

  • Primera. Las notificaciones internas de la Asociación, incluyendo las convocatorias a las reuniones, comunicaciones de sanciones, formulación de preguntas y delegaciones de voto para las Asambleas Generales, podrán ser realizadas mediante cualquiera de los medios técnicamente disponibles en cada momento: correo en papel, correo electrónico, teléfono, u otros equivalentes, garantizando siempre la identidad del notificante.
  • Segunda. En normativa interna podrá regularse la existencia y funcionamiento de un Consejo Asesor con funciones consultivas, formado por personalidades del mundo de la cultura, las artes y las ciencias, ex socios de la Asociación o colaboradores distinguidos de proyectos o iniciativas de conocimiento libre; no podrán asignarse a dicho Consejo competencias de dirección, administración o representación de la Asociación.

Additional regulations [5]

  • First. The internal notifications of the Association, including the calls for meetings, disciplinary measures, questions and delegation of votes will be able to be done using any of the technically available means: Postal mail, email, telephone or any other, and will always guarantee the correct identification of the interested party.
  • Second. In the internal policies of the Association it will be possible to regulate the establishment and internal operations of advice boards, composed by personalities of the world of culture, arts and science, former members of the Chapter or distinguished collaborators of free knowledge projects or initiatives; such advice boards will not have directive or management competences, nor representate the Association.

Disposiciones Transitorias

  • Primera. La Junta Directiva provisional designada en el Acta Fundacional dispondrá de todas las facultades otorgadas a la Junta Directiva en estos Estatutos hasta la celebración de la primera Asamblea General Ordinaria de la Asociación, y realizará los trámites necesarios para la legalización de la misma.
  • Segunda. El primer ejercicio asociativo y económico se cerrará el 31 de diciembre del año en que se registre la Asociación, independientemente de la fecha de constitución de la misma.

Transitory regulations

  • First. The provisional Board designed at the Founding Charter will have all the competences stipulated for the Board in these Bylaws until the first ordinary meeting of the General Assembly of the Chapter and will carry out all the necessary procedures for the legalization of the Association.[6][7][8]
  • Second. The first accounting period will end on December 31st of the year of the Association's registration, regardless of the registration date.[9]

Note: This is an unofficial translation. In the event of differences of opinion in the interpretation of the translation, the Spanish text shall be binding.

Traslation of Spanish legal terms

  • Junta directiva = Board / Board of Trustees
  • Ejercicio económico = Fiscal year
  • Derrama = Assessment
  • Cuota = Membership fee
  • Normativa interna = Internal policies
  • Memoria (de actividades) = Annual report (según el contexto: art 15, 21)
  • Incoación = inception (según el contexto: art 27)
  • Vocales = Members / Members of the Board
  • Sanción = Disciplinary measure
  • Órgano = Body
  • Voto de calidad = casting vote
  • Baremación = appraise
  • Domicilio social = registered office
  • En vigor = in force
  • Socio de número = numerary member


In these notes, "LODA" refers to the Ley Orgánica 1/2002, de 22 de marzo, reguladora del Derecho de Asociación (see extracts below), "LOPD" refers to the Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (the main Spanish data protection law), and "R.D." stands for Real Decreto ("Royal Decree", in fact subsidiary legislation).

  1. Apart from the nomination and removal of members of the Board, the list of resolutions needing a qualified majority is taken from art. 12(d) LODA.
  2. The Spanish verb cesar can mean either "to resign" or "to be dismissed", among other meanings, depending on the context.
  3. The Spanish term here is mitad más uno, literally "half plus one". This term is taken to mean a majority when there an odd number of members. Hence, for a Board of six members, the quorum is four; whereas for a Board of five members, the quorum is three.
  4. The list of resolutions which must be registered is given in art. 28 LODA.
  5. "Additional regulations" are a standard drafting tool in Spanish for provisions which might otherwise go in a "miscellaneous" section. They have exactly the same legal force as the other articles.
  6. Inscription in a Register of Associations (doubtless the National Register) is not the only necessary bureaucracy, but it is the fundamental step: see also note below.
  7. Art. 10.4 LODA states that the Association operates under the joint and unlimited liability of its members until its registration becomes effective.
  8. Three months is the maximum period for the Register of Associations to treat the application for registration.
  9. This is a standard "first year" accounting provision. As the Association needs to have completed two complete accounting periods before it can apply for a declaration of public utility, it is in its interests to keep its (incomplete) "first year" as short as possible.

The Spanish Constitution

PART I Fundamental Rights and Duties

CHAPTER 2 Rights and Liberties

DIVISION 1 Fundamental Rights and Public Liberties

Section 22 1. The right of association is recognised. 2. Associations which pursue ends or use means legally defined as criminal offences are illegal. 3. Associations set up on the basis of this section must be entered in a register for the sole purpose of public knowledge. 4. Associations may only be dissolved or have their activities suspended by virtue of a court order stating the reasons for it. 5. Secret and paramilitary associations are prohibited.

The Spanish Organic Law 1/2002 ("LODA")

The Ley Orgánica 1/2002, de 22 de marzo, reguladora del Derecho de Asociación, or LODA for short, is the main Spanish law governing non-profit associations. The following translated extracts are the provisions of most relevance to Wikimedia España, and explain some of the provisions of the Bylaws.

Article 3: Capacity

Both natural persons and corporations, be they public or private, may form or be members of associations, in accordance with the following principles:

a) Natural persons must have the capacity to act and not be subject to any legal restrictions in the exercise of that right.

b) Non-emancipated minors of more than fourteen years of age with the consent, documentary proven, of those people who have to support their capacity, without prejudice to the special regime for infantile or juvenile associations or for associations of pupils contained in Organic Law 1/1996, of January 15, of the Legal Protection of Minors.


e) Corporations of an associative nature require the express agreement of their competent body, and corporations of an institutional nature that of their governing body.

f) Association may form federations, confederations or union, complying with the requirements to form an association, with the express agreement of their competent parties.

Article 4: Relations with the Administration


5. The public powers shall not facilitate any type of support to those associations which, in their process of admission or in their functioning, discriminate for reasons of birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

Article 5: Agreement of constitution

1. Associations are constituted by the agreement of three or more natural persons or corporations who agree to share knowledge, means and activities to further common and legitimate goals, which may be of general or private interest, and who put in place Bylaws which govern the functioning of the association.

2. The agreement of constitution, which shall include the approval of the Bylaws, shall be formalized by a founding act, contained in a private contract or a notorialized document. With the approval of the act, the association shall gain its legal personality and full capacity to act, without prejudice to the necessity of its registration according to Article 10.


Article 6: Founding act

1. The Founding Act must contain:

a) The names of the promoters of the association if they are natural persons, the name and type if they are corporations and, in both cases, their nationality and address.

b) The desire of the promoters to constitute and association, any agreements which might have been concluded and the name of the association.

c) The approved Bylaws which will govern the functioning of the association, whose content conforms to the requirements of the following article.

d) The place and date of the approval of the act and the signatures of the promoters, or of their representatives in the case of corporations.

e) The designation of the members of the provisional governing bodies.


Article 7: Bylaws

1. The Bylaws must contain the following points:

a) the name.

b) the registered office, as well as the territorial ambit in which it will principally carry out its activities.

c) the duration, when the association is not constituted for an indefinite period.

d) the objectives and activities of the association, described in an explicit manner.

e) the conditions and mechanisms of admission and renunciation, sanction and separation of associates and, where applicable, the different classes of associates. The consequences of non-payment of subscriptions can also be included.

f) the rights and obligations of associates and, where applicable, of each one of the different classes.

g) the criteria which guarantee the democratic functioning of the association.

h) the governing and representative bodies, their composition, rules and procedures for the election and substitution of their members, their attributes, the term of office, reasons for leaving office, the manner of discussing, agreeing and carrying out resolutions and the people or officers with the power to certify them and conditions for the valid constitution of aforementioned bodies, as well as the number of associates necessary to convoke sessions of the governing body or to introduce points onto the agenda.

i) the rules of administration, accounting and documentation, as well as the date of the end of the accounting period.

j) the initial capital and the economic resources which could be put to use.

k) the reasons for liquidation and the destination, in such an event, of any remaining capital, which cannot distort the non-lucrative nature of the entity.

2. The Bylaws can also contain any other legitimate disposition or condition which the promoters consider advisable, so long as such dispositions or conditions are not contrary to the law nor do they contravene the basic principles of the association.

3. The content of the Bylaws cannot be contrary to the legal order.

Article 8: Name

1. The name of an association may not contain any term or expression which induces error or confusion over the identity or over the class or nature of the association, especially by using words, concepts or symbols, acronyms and the like which pertain to another corporation, be it associative in nature or not.

2. Names which include expressions contrary to the law, or which could suppose the breach of the fundamental rights of any person, shall not be admitted.

3. Names of associations cannot coincide or resemble any other name previously entered in the Register, nor with any other public or private corporation, nor with pre-existing entities, be they or not of Spanish nationality, nor with natural persons, except with the express consent of the interested party or their successors, nor with a well-known registered trademark, unless this is requested by the owner of the trademark or with their consent.

Article 10: Inscription in the Register

1. The association regulated by this law shall have to enter themselves on the corresponding Register, which shall only have the effect of publication.

2. The registration makes public the constitution and Bylaws of associations, and serves as a guarantee for third parties who deal with such associations as well as for their own members.

3. The promoters shall undertake the steps which shall be detailed in order to register the association, and should this not be the case, shall be liable for the consequences of the lack of registration.

4. Without prejudice to the liability of the association, the promoters of non-registered associations shall be personally and jointly liable for any obligations contracted with third parties. In such a case, the associates shall be jointly liable for the obligations contracted by any one of them, insofar as that associate shall have claimed to be acting in the name of the association.

Article 11: Law of associations

1. The law of associations, insofar as it concerns their constitution and registration, is that contained in this Organic Law and in the regulations made to apply it.

2. For their internal bylaws, associations must comply with their own Bylaws, so long as they do not contravene this Organic Law or the regulations made to apply it.

3. The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Association, consisting of the associates, adopts its resolution by the principle of majority rule or of internal democracy, and must meet at least once a year.

4. There shall be a representative body which manages and represents the interests of the association, in accordance with the resolutions and directives of the General Assembly. Only associates may form part of the representative body.

To be a member of the representative bodies of an association, without prejudice to that dictated by its own Bylaws, the following are indispensable prerequisites: to be of the age of legal majority, to be in full possession of civil rights, and not to covered by any of the reasons of incompatibility which are established by current legislation.

5. If the members of the representative bodies are to receive payment for their offices, this must appear in the Bylaws and in the annual accounts approved by the Assembly.

Article 12: Internal bylaws

Unless the Bylaws state otherwise, the internal bylaws of the association shall be the following:

a) The powers of the representative body shall cover, in general, all acts which are consistent with the objectives of the association, so long as, in accordance with the Bylaws, these do not require the express authorization of the General Assembly.

b) Without prejudice to the dispositions of article 11.3, the General Assembly shall be extraordinarily convoked by the representative body when called for by at least ten per cent of the associates.

c) The General Assembly shall be validly constituted, after a convocation made fifteen days before the meeting, when one third of the associates are present or represented. Its president and its secretary shall be designated at the start of the meeting.

d) The resolutions of the General Assembly shall be adopted by a simple majority of the persons present or represented, when the affirmative votes exceed the negative votes. Nevertheless, the following resolutions shall require a qualified majority, which shall result when the affirmative votes are greater than half: those concerning the dissolution of the association, the modification of the Bylaws, the transfer of disposal of property and the payment of members of the representative body.

Article 14: Documentary and accounting obligations

1. Associations must: have an up-to-date list of their associates; keep accounts which show a faithful image of the capital, results and financial situation of the entity as well as of the activities undertaken; make an inventory of their property; and compile the minutes of the meetings of their governing and representative bodies in a book. Their accounts must be in accordance with the applicable specific rules.

2. The associates shall be able to have access to all the documentation referred to in the previous clause, through the representative body and in the terms foreseen by Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the protection of data of a personal nature.

3. The accounts of the association shall be approved annually by the General Assembly.

Article 15: Liability of registered associations

1. Registered associations are liable against their current and future property.

2. Associates are not personally liable for the debts of the association.

3. The members or officers of the governing and representative bodies and other persons who represent or act in the name of the association are liable to the association, to the associates and to third parties for the damages caused and debts contracted due to fraudulent, culpable or negligent acts.

4. The persons mentioned in the proceeding clause shall be civilly and administratively liable to third parties, to the association and to the associates for the acts and omissions committed in the exercise of their functions and for the resolutions that they vote.

5. When liability cannot be imputed to any individual member or officer of the governing and representative bodies, their liability for the acts and omissions referred to in clauses 3 and 4 of the article shall be joint except insofar as an individual member or officer can show that he or she did not participate in the approval and execution of the act or omission or that he or she expressly opposed it.

6. Penal responsibility shall be governed by the principles of penal law.

Article 16: Modification of the Bylaws

1. Modifications of the Bylaws which affect the points mentioned in article 7 shall require a resolution adopted by a General Assembly convoked specially for this purpose, must be registered within one month and shall only become effective, for associates as well as for third parties, once it has been entered into the corresponding Register of Associations. The tacit approval provisions of article 30.1 of this Law shall apply.

Other modifications shall become effective for associates from the moment of their adoption in accordance with the Bylaws, whereas to be effective for third parties it shall nevertheless be necessary to enter them in the corresponding Register.

2. The registration of modifications to the Bylaws shall be subject to the same conditions as the registration of the Bylaws.

Article 17: Dissolution

1. Associations shall dissolve themselves for the reasons given in the Bylaws and, in their absence, by the desire of the associates shown in a General Assembly called to this effect, as well as for the reasons given in article 39 of the Civil Code and by the definitive judgment of the courts.

2. In all the cases of dissolution, the remaining capital must be given the destination determined by the Bylaws.